Ingredients For Making A Rangoli

While making the Rangoli, the most important ingredient is the powder. The powder with which you make the Rangoli could be gulal/aabir. Gulal is the powder which is generally used during the time of the festival of Holi. The powder is a thin pigmented powder which is usually made from rice but could also be…

Origin Of Rangoli

The origin of Rangoli can be traced back to centuries since when it has become an integral part of festivals all over India and is also considered to be auspicious for the House. There are several legends which have formed a part of folk lore as to how actually did the Rangoli begin. Chitralakshana, a…

Rangoli Colours

The Rangoli drawn can be of various colours. White is perhaps the most important colour with respect to the Rangoli. The borders and the basic framework of the Rangoli is almost always made with the White powder. But, the white colour can also be used for filling and drawing certain shapes, mythical creatures etc. the…