Onam Rangoli is celebrated in Kerala. The first thing that comes to mind is that the flower bed or floral designs arrangements are known as Pookkalam or Athapookalam. The common Ona-pookalam consists of ten rings representing the ten day celebrations. Onam begins on Atham and ends on Thiru Onam in the month of August – September.
Onam Rangoli Designs:
Many Pookkalam concentrate more on the design and now the ten rings are avoided. The Pookkalam are mainly focus on the various cultural aspects of Kerala and on the Onam legend. Floral Rangoli Designs

Onam Flower Rangoli
are called Athapookalam in Malayalam.
On the Onam day; the court is decorated with complicated flower arrangements called Pookkalam – the flower carpet.
Many people Belief that if young, unmarried girls dance around the Pookkalam, they would surely find a required match and get married very soon. Onam Festival which is also called Vamana Jayanthi is a Hindu festival and the state festival of Kerala.
The Rangoli is colorful and is decorated with flower using only fresh flowers, leaves and petals. For Pookkalam, Color your Doorsteps with Beautiful Ona-pookalam at the festival seasons of Onam. Thumba flowers are used to make the Ona-pookalam which remains untouched for two weeks.